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How to export gmail contacts

If you want to back up your Google Contacts or import them into another email account, you can export your contacts as a CSV or vCard format.

STEP 1 : Go to Google Contacts, click `More` → `Export` on the left menu, and click `Go to Old Contacts`. Or you can navigate directly to The old version of Google Contacts page.

STEP 2 : Check the contacts you want to export. 

STEP 3 :

  1. Which contacts do you want to export? 

    • `Selected contacts` : contacts list which you checked in previous step.
    • `The Group` : export by group 
    • `All contacts` : export all contacts

  2. Which export format?

    • `Google CSV format` : use to import into a Google account
    • `Outlook CSV format` : use to import into Outlook, Outlook Express, Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail, Eudora and some other apps.
    • `vCard format` : use to import into Microsoft or Apple products frequently.

STEP 4 : Click `Export` to save your backup file.

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