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How to delete or undelete gmail messages.

Delete message

When you delete a message, it move to your Trash. After 30 days,it will be  permanently deleted and can't be recovered. Learn to delete or undeleted messages here !

STEP 1 : Sign into Gmail account. ( Learn more Gmail Sign In guide ) 

STEP 2 : Choose the messages you want to delete.

  • Delete a single message : Open the message and click `Delete ` 

  • Delete multiple messages  → Check the boxes of the message you want to delete. Or select the group messages to delete ( All - Read - Unread - Stared - Unstared ) on the top left. 

STEP 3 : Click `Delete ` 

Empty Trash

Becareful, when you empty your trash, you can't restore the deleted message.

STEP 1 : Go to `Trash` : Click `More` → `Trash` on the left.

STEP 2 : Select the message to delete forever or delete all message.

  • Delete a single message: Open the message and click `Delete Forever`

  • Delete multiple meesage : Check the boxes of the mesasges. And click `Delete forever`

  • Delete all message : Click `Empry Trash now`

Undelete message

You can restore the deleted message in the last 30 days by `Move them to another folders / labels likes Inbox, Private, Promotion,...

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