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Change your Gmail account password. Quick and easy

Regarding security and passwords, if you made those personal security data simple and easy to be tackled , you doubt  that someone has been snooping around your stuff (something as important as your mail); it is best to reset your privacy safeguarding before it is too late. Keep in mind that your mails are currently managed by many devices, including your smartphone and other ones, and they are also stored on webpage.


Therefore, it is critical to safeguard your email privacy and security from any potential risks, so we help you change your password Gmail whenever there are suspicious actions.

Gmail password change

If you wonder how I can change the password to my Gmail?, we are here to support you with few steps below.

Firstly, enter to your Gmail account


  1. Click Settings and then click Account and Import
  2. Now select Change Settings Account
  3. And select the option Change Password

Next, you will be required to provide current password and then enter your new password before giving a confirmation of this course. Finally click "Change Password

Ready! With these simple steps, you could change your password for your Gmail account.

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